For 91 Days in Tokyo – The E-Book

For three crazy months, we dedicated our lives to exploring Tokyo. Every single morning, we’d leave our tiny apartment, hop on the subway and set off to discover something new and amazing in the world’s biggest city. From sumo to kabuki, sushi to soba, gorgeous Japanese gardens, fascinating museums, distinctive neighborhoods, and wild nightlife, we tried to provide ourselves a well-rounded impression of the city… the only thing we really missed out on, was sleep!

We’ve now collected our blog into an e-book for your Kindle, Nook or other e-reader. With over 250 full-color photos and 100 articles, indexed alphabetically and by category, this portable edition is perfect for when you’re out and about in the city. We weren’t able to exhaustively document everything there is to do in Tokyo (a task for which 91 years would be insufficient), but we did have a lot of amazing experiences. And we hope our articles, anecdotes, advice and pictures can help inspire your trip.

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For just a few bucks, you can download your own copy of the book for use on your e-reader or computer, giving you access to our articles wherever you are, without having to connect to the internet. And, buying the e-book is a great way to support our project… take a look at some sample pages from the PDF.

This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Penney Moir

    Good afternoon from New Zealand,I love you writing about Tokyo. Thank you. I’m in Tokyo during Golden Week – which is making finding a good bed in a neighbourhood a bit difficult. Would you have any suggestions please? Something boutique hotel, not chain preferably, and in a locale that’s a bit edgy with good bars, art, cafes and a local feel.Thank you very much,Penney

    1. mpowell

      You picked a great week to visit Tokyo! Unfortunately, we don’t have any hotels to recommend… we rented an apartment for our 3-month stay. I can imagine that finding affordable accommodation is difficult, especially now. You could try the guy we stayed with, though there’s no guarantee that he has a room available —

      Good luck, hope you have a great time!

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